EU & India – Strengthening Economic & Technological Partnership

  • European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi
  • EU and India have agreed to partner and establish a dedicated EU-India Trade and Technology Council
  • Council will provide the political steering and will create necessary structure for operationalising political decisions

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday 25th April. European Commission President is visiting India for discussing a dynamic agenda. She arrived on Sunday for a two-day visit and her talks with Indian establishment will focus on trade and security measures, climate change, and war in Ukraine.

In her meeting with PM Modi, MS Leyen stated her preference on three main areas involving trade, technology and security where EU and India can partner together. EU and India have agreed to partner and establish a dedicated EU-India Trade and Technology Council. This will be one of its kind collaborative efforts as presently EU has only one Trade and Technology Council with the United States (US). In her remarks, President Ursula von der Leyen recognised India as a technology powerhouse. She emphasised that much can be achieved on trade synergies between both the partners as presently there is an enormous business opportunity that lies untapped.

In context of Ukrainian crises India President Ursula von der Leyen said that, relationship between EU and India is more important in the present context than any given point in the history. Both EU and India are vibrant democracies as well as large economies and believes as well as support implementation of international order, which are rules-based. Changing geo political landscape is set to create challenge for EU as well as India. The European Union’s connection with India is one of the most crucial relationships for the next decade, and strengthening it remains a top priority.

Both the partners will start negotiations on comprehensive trade and investment agreements. With emphasis on climate change.  Due to ongoing Ukrainian war, Energy security remains one of the most pressing topics for India as well as Europe. Future of Europe lies in clean energy and gradually EU will diversify from fossil fuels dependencies. In such a situation both solar as well as green hydrogen will be a key point of co-operation between EU and India Both the leaders discussed the India-EU Strategic Partnership’s development, including re-negotiation of Free Trade Agreement and an Investment Agreement.

EU India Trade and Technology Council will provide the political steering and will create necessary structure for operationalising political decisions. Council will also coordinate on technical work, and will report to the political level for ensuring implementation and necessary follow-up needed for sustainable progress of EU and Indian economies.

Earlier Modi welcomed British PM Boris Johnson. Trip concluded by declaration of a new defence and security relationship. Ukraine was discussed. During their discussion, Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister Johnson agreed to increase India-UK defence cooperation. This will include co-development and manufacture of fighter jet as well as development of next-generation jet engine technologies.

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